Welcome to BK332 - Digital Literacy (DL). Digital Literacy is an Elective course program in English Study Program. This unit is an integral part of Technology Enhanced Language Learning . This three credit point course will acquaint you with theoretical and practical implication of using technology in English foreign language teaching and learning. Topics include:
- Digital Literacy for 21st century teachers
- Mobile devises for language teaching and learning,
- Video creation and editing, and
- Some digital apps for developing language skills and 21st century skills includes autonomous learning.
The designed activity will give you an opportunity to explore and examine the potential use of digital technology to support the development of communicative language competence and the 21st century skills as well as developing an activity for classroom practice. The method of develivery is blended, a combination of vitual class using canvas platform and a face-to-face class meeting include small group presentation and workshop.